A downloadable game for Windows

it's the morning. so you decided to make some breakfast. you chose spam as your breakfast choice. so you open the can, but wait.... are you tripping? or did you see the spam slightly move?

Published 4 days ago
AuthorButter Tray
Tags2D, Comedy, Horror, Point & Click, Singleplayer


spam of fear.exe 15 MB
Gif89.dll 43 kB

Install instructions

1. run the setup and install

2. download the dll and place it in C:/windows/system32

3. enjoy!

there may be some errors in the game like asking you for a player extension to play the sound effects or not being able to change the resolustion back to the deafult but yeah enjoy


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and another note is that you probaly dont need the dll file, you only need it if the errors pop up and the game wont start

if its asking you to play a sound just say do not ask again and yes to all of them, if that work